
This article contains information on XenDesktop 5 (SP1) Broker Event Log Messages.

It is important to note that event log messages can be added to the product during the lifetime of the product. What follows here is a list of available event log messages for the XenDesktop 5 Service Pack 1 Broker (Cork build

Note that these event messages are posted to the Application Event Log on the Broker machine, with an event Source of ‘Citrix Broker Service’.

Id 500
Name CdsEventControllerStarting
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service is starting.
Comment Once the Controller is Starting


Id 501
Name CdsEventControllerCannotStartException
Severity Error
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to start.


If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment When the Controller fails to start
Arguments Position    Name          Type     Comment
%1             message     string     exception message
%2             type            Type      exception type



Id 502
Name CdsEventControllerStartupException
Severity Warning
Groups GeneralStartupError
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to initialize. The service will attempt to initialize again in approximately %1 minute(s). See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment When the Controller encounters an exception on start up
Arguments Position    Name                                  Type     Comment






time until the next initiation retry
%2 message string exception message
%3 type Type exception type




Id 503
Name CdsEventControllerThrottleStartupException
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to initialize again.


A previously detected problem still exists. To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 502) until the problem is resolved. Initialization attempts will continue.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment About to suppress message 502 for the first time



Id 504
Name CdsEventControllerDatabaseStartupException
Severity Warning
Groups DatabaseStartup
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to establish communication with the XenDesktop database.


Please ensure that the XenDesktop database is configured and running and the database instance is reachable by this machine.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment When the Controller encounters an exception while attempting to contact the database server
Arguments Position    Name          Type     Comment
%1 message string exception message
%2 type Type exception type




Id 505
Name CdsEventControllerDatabaseStartupOk
Severity Informational
Groups DatabaseStartup
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully contacted the database server.
Comment When the database server was successfully contacted




Id 506
Name CdsEventControllerStarted
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service started successfully.
Comment Controller completed start-up sequence.



Id 507
Name CdsEventControllerStopping
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service is shutting down.
Comment Controller Stopping.




Id 508
Name CdsEventControllerStopped
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service shut down successfully.
Comment Controller Stopped.




Id 509
Name CdsEventControllerSdkStarted
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service SDK support started.
Comment Broker SDK WCF service started.




Id 1000
Name CdsEventControllerWrongUserAccount
Severity Error
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service is configured to run as the invalid user identity ‘%1’. To function correctly, the Citrix Broker Service must run as the Network Service user. The service is stopping.


Use the Services control panel to set the Log On identity for the Citrix Broker Service to Network Service.

Comment When the controller detected it is not running as Network Service
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment






the name of the account being used to run the controller



Id 1001
Name CdsEventBrokerCannotStartException
Severity Error
Text The Citrix Broker Service broker component failed to start.


If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment When the Broker Component fails to start
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1             message     string     exception message
%2             type            Type      exception type




Id 1002
Name CdsEventBrokerReadyToAcceptConnection
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service is ready to accept connections from virtual machines.
Comment Controller Ready to accept Connections.



Id 1003
Name CdsEventBrokerStartupException
Severity Warning
Groups GeneralStartupError
Text The Citrix Broker Service broker component failed to initialize. The component will attempt to initialize again in approximately

%1 minute(s).


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment When the Broker Component encounters an exception on start up
Arguments Position    Name                                 Type     Comment






time until the next initiation retry
%2 message string exception message
%3 type Type exception type



Id 1004
Name CdsEventBrokerThrottleStartupException
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service broker component failed to initialize again.


A previously detected failure still exists. To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1003) until the problem is resolved. Initialization attempts will continue.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment About to suppress message 1003 for the first time



Id 1005
Name CdsEventBrokerDatabaseFail
Severity Error
Groups DatabaseStartUp
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to connect to the XenDesktop database.

Please check that the database is configured correctly. Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Failed to connect to the broker database
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1             message     string     Exception message
%2             type            Type      Exception type



Id 1006
Name CdsEventBrokerBaseOuNullOrEmpty
Severity Error
Groups OU
Text The Citrix Broker Service cannot obtain the site Organizational Unit (OU) identifier from the XenDesktop database. The OU identifier is used to find the site OU object in the Active Directory tree.


Please run the Set-ADControllerDiscovery PowerShell script to configure the OU identifier in Active Directory.

Comment When there is no GUID stored in the database



Id 1007
Name CdsEventBrokerBadOu
Severity Error
Groups OU
Text The Citrix Broker Service encountered a problem with Active Directory. The site Organizational Unit (OU) identifier might be incorrect or communication with the Active Directory Domain Controller might be experiencing problems.


Please run the Set-ADControllerDiscovery PowerShell script to reconfigure the OU identifier in Active Directory.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment When the GUID stored in the database isn’t a valid AD object or failed to contact AD
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type



Id 1008
Name CdsEventBrokerBaseOuInvalidStructure
Severity Error
Groups OU
Text The Citrix Broker Service found a problem with the structure of the site Organizational Unit (OU) in Active Directory.


Please run the Set-ADControllerDiscovery PowerShell script to re-configure the site OU in Active Directory.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment The OU doesn’t have the expected structure of objects within it.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type



Id 1009
Name CdsEventBrokerGoodOu
Severity Informational
Groups OU
Text The Citrix Broker Service found the site Organizational Unit ‘%1’; its identifier is ‘%2’.
Comment Base OU was determined and verified to have the correct structure.
Arguments Position    Name                Type      Comment
%1             ouDN                 string      OU DN
%2             baseOUGuid     Guid?     GUID of the OU found



Id 1010
Name CdsEventBrokerBadWcf
Severity Error
Groups Wcf
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to initialize the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services needed for communication between the controller and virtual machines.


If the problem persists, please reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Failed to start up one or more of the WCF services
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type



Id 1011
Name CdsEventBrokerGoodWcf
Severity Informational
Groups Wcf
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully initialized the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services required for interaction between this machine and virtual machines.
Comment WCF web services started OK.



Id 1012
Name CdsEventBrokerBadScpPublish
Severity Error
Groups PublishScp
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to write service information to Active Directory.


Please run the Set-ADControllerDiscovery PowerShell script again. If the problem persists, see Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Failed to update the controller SCP with the registration service endpoint point information
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type


Id 1013
Name CdsEventBrokerGoodScpPublish
Severity Informational
Groups PublishScp
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully wrote service information to Active Directory.
Comment Controller’s registrar SCP has been updated.


Id 1014
Name CdsEventBrokerGetSiteDynamicDataFailure
Severity Error
Groups DatabaseStartUp
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to read some configuration settings from the database. Check that the database is configured correctly.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Failed to connect get site dynamic data.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1             message     string     Exception message
%2             type            Type      Exception type



Id 1030
Name CdsEventRegistrarWorkerSpnNotFound
Severity Warning
Groups PerWorkerNameResolution, WorkerSpn
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that properties for virtual machine ‘%1’ are incomplete.


Please remove and re-add the virtual machine in Active Directory or, if this is not possible because the machine was provisioned automatically, update the provisioning settings. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126992.


Error details:\n

The ‘servicePrincipalName’ property is missing or incorrect.

Comment Virtual Desktop Machine SPN Not found
Arguments Position    Name                Type     Comment
%1 friendlyName string Virtual Desktop Machine Name




Id 1031
Name CdsEventRegistrarThrottleWorkerSpnNotFound
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that several virtual machines have incomplete information in Active Directory.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1030) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1030 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time.



Id 1032
Name CdsEventRegistrarRemoveThrottleWorkerSpnNotFound
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully obtained all required information from Active Directory for the virtual machines registered with this server. The service is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1030).
Comment When no event 1030 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 1033
Name CdsEventRegistrarBadWorkerDnsResolve
Severity Warning
Groups PerWorkerNameResolution, WorkerDnsResolution
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that DNS failed to resolve the address for virtual machine ‘%1’. The service is falling back to NetBIOS name ‘%2’.


Please repair your DNS settings to ensure that the virtual machine has a correct entry.

Comment Cannot resolve Virtual Desktop Machine in DNS
Arguments Position    Name                   Type     Comment
%1 friendlyName string Virtual Desktop Machine Name.
%2 resolvedName string NetBIOS name for Virtual Desktop Machine



Id 1034
Name CdsEventRegistrarThrottleDnsResolveFailure
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that DNS failed to resolve the addresses for several virtual machines.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1033) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1033 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time



Id 1035
Name CdsEventRegistrarRemoveThrottleDnsResolveFailure
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully obtained addresses from DNS for all virtual machines registered with this server. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1033).
Comment When no event 1033 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 1036
Name CdsEventRegistrarBadWorkerNetbiosResolve
Severity Warning
Groups PerWorkerNameResolution, WorkerDnsResolution
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to find an address for the virtual machine with a DNS name of ‘%1’ and a NetBIOS name of ‘%2’. The service rejected this machine’s registration.


Please repair the DNS and WINS entries for this virtual machine. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126992.

Comment Cannot resolve NetBIOS name of Virtual Desktop Machine
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1 friendlyName string DNS name of worker
%2 resolvedName string VDA machine’s SAM account name



Id 1037
Name CdsEventRegistrarThrottleBadWorkerNetbiosResolve
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to find addresses for several virtual machines.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1036) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1036 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time



Id 1038
Name CdsEventRegistrarRemoveThrottleBadWorkerNetbiosResolve
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully resolved addresses for virtual machines registered with this server. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1036).
Comment When no event 1036 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 1039
Name CdsEventRegistrarBadWorkerWcfRequest
Severity Warning
Groups GeneralWorkerWcf, PerWorkerCommunication
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to contact virtual machine ‘%1’ (IP address %2).


Check that the virtual machine can be contacted from the controller and that any firewall on the virtual machine allows connections from the controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126992.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%3’ of type ‘%4’.

Comment When there is an error while sending a WCF request to a Virtual Desktop Machine
Arguments Position    Name                Type     Comment
%1 friendlyName string VDA machine’s DNS name
%2 ipAddress string VDA machine’s IP address
%3 message string Exception message
%4 type Type Exception type



Id 1040
Name CdsEventRegistrarThrottleBadWorkerWcfRequest
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to contact several virtual machines.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1039) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1039 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time



Id 1041
Name CdsEventRegistrarRemoveThrottleBadWorkerWcfRequest
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully communicated with virtual machines registered with this server. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1039).
Comment When no event 1039 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 1042
Name CdsEventRegistrarUnauthorizedWorker
Severity Warning
Groups WorkerAuthorization
Text The Citrix Broker Service received an unauthorized request from machine ‘%1’, IP address ‘%2’, and denied access by this machine.


If this machine is intended to be a virtual machine in the site, please use Desktop Studio to add it to a desktop group.

Comment Unauthorized Worker Machine.
Arguments Position    Name                Type     Comment
%1 friendlyName string Unauthorized VDA machine’s name.
%2 ipAddress string IP address of VDA machine or ‘unknown’



Id 1043
Name CdsEventRegistrarThrottleUnauthorizedWorker
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service has repeatedly received unauthorized requests from machines.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1042) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1042 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time


Id 1044
Name CdsEventRegistrarRemoveThrottleUnauthorizedWorker
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service has not received unauthorized requests from machines claiming to be virtual machines in the last %1 minute(s) and is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1042).
Comment When no event 1042 has been detected within a defined period of time.


Id 1045
Name CdsEventRegistrarBadWorkerBaseOuGuid
Severity Warning
Groups PerWorkerAuthorization, WorkerAuthorization
Text The Citrix Broker Service received a communication from machine ‘%1’ through the wrong base Organizational Unit (OU) in Active Directory. If this machine is intended to be a virtual machine in the site, please configure it to use the base OU associated with the site for this controller.


Error details:\n

The value supplied was ‘%2’ but the value ‘%3’ was expected.

Comment When a VDA is pointing at an old OU in AD that happens to point to a controller which has been re-incarnated into a new site
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1 friendlyName string Machine name
%2 baseOuValue string Supplied Value
%3 baseOuGuid string Expected Value



Id 1046
Name CdsEventRegistrarBadWorkerRequest
Severity Warning
Groups BadRegisterRequest
Text The Citrix Broker Service received a badly formed registration request from machine ‘%1’ (IP address ‘%2’).


Error details: ‘%3’


Ensure that the Workstation Agent is installed and configured correctly on the machine.

Comment Controller received a null registration request
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1             machineName     string     Machine name
%2             ipAddress            string     Machine IP address
%3             message             string     Error details



Id 1047
Name CdsEventRegistrarWorkerVersionIncorrect
Severity Warning
Groups PerWorkerAgentVersion, WorkerCompatability
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to register machine ‘%1’. The Workstation Agent version on the machine is ‘%2’ but needs to be ‘%3’ or higher.


Ensure that the correct Workstation Agent version is installed on the machine.

Comment Workstation Agent version is incompatible with the broker
Arguments Position    Name                              Type     Comment
%1 machineName string Machine name
%2 agentVersion string Machine agent version number
%3 requiredAgentVersion int Required agent version number



Id 1048
Name CdsEventRegistrarThrottleWorkerVersionIncorrect
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to register several machines with an incompatible Workstation Agent.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1047) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1047 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time



Id 1049
Name CdsEventRegistrarRemoveThrottleWorkerVersionIncorrect
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service has not recently received requests from machines with an incompatible Workstation Agent and is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1048).
Comment When no event 1047 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 1050
Name CdsEventRegistrarLimitReached
Severity Warning
Groups RegistrarLimit
Text The Citrix Broker Service has reached its maximum registration limit of ‘%1’ machines.


This may be deliberate if the controller was configured with a low limit or the site may be reaching capacity. You may need to add more controllers to your site.

Comment When the broker’s registration limit is reached.
Arguments Position    Name               Type     Comment
%1             maxWorkers      int         Registration limit



Id 1051
Name CdsEventRegistrarBadWorkerRequestSid
Severity Warning
Groups BadRegisterRequest
Text The Citrix Broker Service received a registration request from machine ‘%1’ (IP address %2) which contains contradictory identity information. The registration is rejected.


Ensure that the Workstation Agent is installed and configured correctly on the machine.

Comment Registration request SID and machine SID mismatch.
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1             machineName     string     Machine name
%2             ipAddress            string     Machine IP address





Id 1060
Name CdsEventConfigBadStaticPorticaSettings
Severity Warning
Groups PerWorkerSettings, WorkerStaticSettings
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to apply settings on the virtual machine ‘%1’.


Check that the virtual machine can be contacted from the controller and that any firewall on the virtual machine allows connections from the controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126992.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment Failed to apply Static PortICA settings to a VDA
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 workerDnsName string VDA machine DNS name
%2 message string Exception message
%3 type string Exception type



Id 1061
Name CdsEventConfigGoodStaticPorticaSettings
Severity Informational
Groups PerWorkerSettings
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully applied settings on virtual machine ‘%1’.
Comment Successfully applied static PortICA settings to a VDA machine.
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 workerDnsName string VDA machine’s DNS name



Id 1063
Name CdsEventConfigThrottleBadStaticPorticaSettings
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to apply settings on several virtual machines.


To avoid unnecessary event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 1060) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 1060 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time.



Id 1064
Name CdsEventConfigRemoveThrottleBadStaticPorticaSettings
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully applied settings on virtual machines registered with this server, It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 1060).
Comment When no event 1060 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 1065
Name CdsEventConfigBadStaticPorticaSettingsGeneration
Severity Error
Groups PerWorkerSettings, WorkerStaticSettings
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to determine the base settings needed for the Virtual Desktop Agent of machine ‘%1’.


Please restart this machine and if this problem persists, see Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment Failed to generate static settings that will be used as the basis for all settings sent to VDAs.
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1 machineName string machine name
%2 message string Exception message
%3 type Type Exception type




Id 1066
Name CdsEventConfigGoodStaticPorticaSettingsGeneration
Severity Informational
Groups PerWorkerSettings
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully determined the base settings needed for the Virtual Desktop Agent of machine ‘%1’.
Comment Base settings (i.e. those before policy has been applied) for all VDAs have been determined.
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1             machineName     string     machine name



Id 1100
Name CdsEventLaunchGenericFailure
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’.


If this problem persists, see Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126991.

Comment When the Session fails to launch for generic reason (no specific reason identified)
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)




Id 1101
Name CdsEventLaunchNoVdaAvailable
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The Citrix Broker Service

cannot find any available virtual machines.


Please add more virtual machines to the site. If the problem is due to existing virtual machines not becoming available, see Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126992.

Comment No available VDA for resource
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)



Id 1102
Name CdsEventLaunchConnectionRefused
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The virtual machine ‘%3’ rejected a request to prepare itself for a connection.


This problem usually indicates that the virtual machine is engaged in an activity such as restarting, entering a suspended state, or processing a recent disconnection or logoff.


If this problem persists, please restart the virtual machine.

Comment The VDA refused to prepare itself for connection.
Arguments Position    Name          Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)
%3 vdaName string VDA DNS name




Id 1103
Name CdsEventLaunchActiveSessionAlready
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. A connection for that user

already exists and the system is configured to not allow automatic switching of the connection.


If users need to be able to switch active connections by re- requesting the resource, use registry entries to enable this feature. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126704.

Comment There is already an active session for the given user in the group.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)



Id 1104
Name CdsEventLaunchGenericFailureReconnect
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The user requested a reconnection to a previously disconnected existing session.


If the problem persists, please restart the virtual machine, but note that unsaved data may be lost.

Comment Failed to reconnect session for the user in the group.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)



Id 1105
Name CdsEventLaunchInMaintMode
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The resource is in maintenance mode.


Please disable maintenance mode, terminate unwanted user sessions on that machine, or remove unwanted permanent assignments for the user.

Comment Attempted connection to a VDA and maintenance mode is enabled for that resource.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)



Id 1106
Name CdsEventLaunchProtocolDisallowed
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The required protocol ‘%3’ is not configured for this resource or the resource might not advertise this protocol.
Comment Protocol (e.g. RDP) may not be configured on the resource, or resource may not support this protocol.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user            string    User name
%2 resource     string    Resource name (as published to


%3 protocol      string    The protocol ID that was not

supported by the resource



Id 1107
Name CdsEventLaunchFailedDisabledResource
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’ because the resource is disabled.
Comment Attempt to launch a disabled app/desktop
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)



Id 1108
Name CdsEventLaunchOverloadedWorker
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The virtual machine ‘%3’ cannot accept additional sessions.
Comment SessionLimitReached error in launching desktop
Arguments Position    Name          Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)
%3 vdaName string VDA DNS name



Id 1109
Name CdsEventLaunchResourceUnavailable
Severity Warning
Groups LaunchOperation
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user ‘%1’ to resource ‘%2’. The resource is currently unavailable and might be disabled. Access to the resource might have been removed after the user logged on to Web Interface.
Comment No resource found for the given browsername/user
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 user string User name
%2 resource string Resource name (as published to user)



Id 1110
Name CdsEventLaunchThrottle
Severity Warning
Text To avoid excessive event logging, the service is temporarily suppressing related messages (event IDs 1100-1109).
Comment Throttling of launch failure messages.



Id 1111
Name CdsEventLaunchThrottleCancel
Severity Informational
Text The service is no longer suppressing related messages (event IDs 1100-1109).
Comment Cancel throttling



Id 1150
Name CdsEventLicensingLicenseServerUp
Severity Informational
Groups Licensing
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully contacted the license server ‘%1’.
Comment Successful contact with the license server
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1             licenseServer     string     License server name



Id 1151
Name CdsEventLicensingLicenseServerDown
Severity Error
Groups Licensing
Text The Citrix Broker Service cannot contact the license server ‘%1’.


Please ensure that the license server is functioning correctly and that the details identifying the license server are correct in the XenDesktop configuration.

Comment Unable to contact the license server.
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1             licenseServer     string     License server name



Id 1152
Name CdsEventLicensingLicensesNotInstalled
Severity Error
Groups LicensingInstalled
Text This XenDesktop site does not have the required licenses present on the license server ‘%1’.


Please use the License Administration Console to add the relevant licenses to the license server.

Comment Required licenses not present (there may be some, just not the right ones).
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1             licenseServer     string     License server name


Id 1153
Name CdsEventLicensingLicenseExpirationWarning
Severity Warning
Groups LicensingExpiry
Text This XenDesktop site’s license expired.


The Citrix Broker service will request a new license from the license server ‘%1’.

Comment License expiry.
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1             licenseServer     string     License server name


Id 1154
Name CdsEventLicensingInLicenseGracePeriod
Severity Warning
Groups LicensingGracePeriod
Text This controller has entered the licensing grace period.


You have %1 hour(s) remaining before this controller stops providing desktop sessions.

Comment Grace period entered.
Arguments Position    Name          Type    Comment
%1 hoursLeft uint Grace period remaining (in hours)



Id 1155
Name CdsEventLicensingLicenseGracePeriodExpired
Severity Error
Groups LicensingGracePeriod
Text The Citrix Broker Service will now stop providing desktop sessions. This controller is no longer in or could not enter a licensing grace period.


Please ensure that the license server is functioning and, if necessary, use the License Administration Console to add the relevant licenses to the license server.

Comment Grace period expired.



Id 1156
Name CdsEventLicensingLicenseGracePeriodExit
Severity Informational
Groups LicensingGracePeriod
Text The Citrix Broker Service is successfully communicating with the license server ‘%1’. This controller is no longer in the licensing grace period.
Comment Successful communication, License acquired
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1             licenseServer     string     License server name



Id 1157
Name CdsEventLicensingLicenseServerIncompatible
Severity Error
Groups LicensingCompatibility
Text The version of the license server running on ‘%1’ is older than the version of the Citrix Broker Service.


Please upgrade your license server or specify a license server location with the correct version in your XenDesktop configuration.

Comment Old license server version.
Arguments Position    Name                 Type     Comment
%1             licenseServer     string     License server name



Id 1158
Name CdsEventLicensingOverDraftWarning
Severity Warning
Groups LicensingOverdraft
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that you have exceeded the number of licenses available for this site on the license server for this edition. The license server granted you an overdraft license.
Comment Overdraft license issued.



Id 1159
Name CdsEventLicensingMaxLicenseCountExceeded
Severity Error
Groups LicensingCount
Text The Citrix Broker Service denied a desktop connection because the maximum number of installed licenses for this site has been exceeded.


There are %3 licenses installed for edition ‘%1’ but the maximum allowed number of licenses for this edition is %2.


Please remove the relevant licenses from the license server to comply with the license limit.

Comment Maximum License Count Exceeded. Only meaningful for products (like SMB) that have a maximum allowed number of licenses.
Arguments Position    Name                           Type     Comment
%1 feature string Feature Name.






Maximum Available Licenses for Product Edition that allows


%3 actualLicenseCount uint number of available licenses for %1



Id 1160
Name CdsEventLicenseMonitoringFailed
Severity Warning
Groups LicensingError
Text The Citrix Broker service encountered an internal error while managing licenses.


Please ensure that the license server is functioning correctly and that the details identifying the license server are correct in the XenDesktop configuration. Restarting the Citrix Broker service may also resolve the problem.


If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n XenDesktop Edition: ‘%3’\n XenApp Edition: ‘%4’\n Exception: ‘%5’

Comment License monitoring failed.
Arguments Position    Name                              Type     Comment
%1 licenseServerAddress string License server address
%2 licenseServerPort int License server port






Edition for XenDesktop (e.g. ‘PLT’)






Edition for XenApp (e.g. ‘PLT’)
%5 exception string Exception.



Id 1161
Name CdsEventLicenseInitFailed
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error initializing licensing. Please check license server connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n XenDesktop Edition: ‘%3’\n XenApp Edition: ‘%4’\n Licensing Result Code: ‘%5’\n Exception: ‘%6’

Comment Failed to init licensing
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServer Address                           string License server address
%2 licenseServer

Port                    int

License server port
%3 XenDeskto Edition p       string Edition for XenDesktop (e.g. ‘PLT’)
%4 xenAppEdit n io     string Edition for XenApp (e.g. ‘PLT’)





r       string

Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapperException
%6 exception string Exception



Id 1162
Name CdsEventLicenseStopFailed
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error stopping licensing. Please check license server connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n Licensing Result Code: ‘%3’\n Exception: ‘%4’

Comment Failed to shut down licensing
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string License server address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int License server port






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapperExce  



%4 exception string Exception



Id 1163
Name CdsEventLicenseNoneCheckedOut
Severity Warning
Groups LicensingCheckout
Text No connection license available. To resolve, free licenses by closing sessions that are not needed, or add more licenses.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n Desktop ID: ‘%3’\n

User: ‘%4’\n Client ID: ‘%5’\n

Desktop Kind: ‘%6’

Comment No connection license was available.
Arguments Position    Name                              Type     Comment
%1 licenseServerAddress string License server address
%2 licenseServerPort int License server port
%3 desktopId string Desktop ID
%4 user string User
%5 clientId string Client ID
%6 desktopKind string Desktop Kind



Id 1164
Name CdsEventLicenseCheckoutError
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error checking out a connection license. Please check license server connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n Desktop ID: ‘%3’\n

User: ‘%4’\n Client ID: ‘%5’\n

Desktop Kind: ‘%6’\n Licensing Result Code: ‘%7’\n Exception: ‘%8’

Comment Error when checking out a connection license
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string License server address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int License server port
%3 desktopId string Desktop ID
%4 user string User
%5 clientId string Client ID
%6 desktopKind string Desktop Kind






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapper Exception
%8 exception string Exception



Id 1165
Name CdsEventLicenseCheckinError
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error checking in a connection license. Please check license server Connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n Desktop ID: ‘%3’\n

User: ‘%4’\n Client ID: ‘%5’\n

Desktop Kind: ‘%6’\n Licensing Result Code: ‘%7’\n Exception: ‘%8’

Comment Error when checking in a connection license
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string License server address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int License server port
%3 desktopId string Desktop ID
%4 user string User
%5 clientId string Client ID
%6 desktopKind string Desktop Kind






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapper Exception
%8 exception string Exception



Id 1166
Name CdsEventLicenseQueryError
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error checking license availability. Please check license server connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n Product: ‘%3’\n

Licensing Result Code: ‘%4’\n Exception: ‘%5’

Comment QueryLicenseAvailable returned false
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string License server address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int License server port
%3 productName string Product (“XenApp” or “XenDesktop”)






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapper Exception
%5 exception string Exception.



Id 1167
Name CdsEventLicenseStartFailed
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Failed to start licensing. Please check license server connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n XenDesktop Edition: ‘%3’\n XenApp Edition: ‘%4’\n Licensing Result Code: ‘%5’\n Exception: ‘%6’

Comment Failed to start licensing or restart it after config changes.
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string License server address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int License server port





tion         string

Edition for XenDesktop (e.g. ‘PLT’)
%4 xenAppEdition string Edition for XenApp (e.g. ‘PLT’)






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapper Exception
%6 exception string Exception.



Id 1168
Name CdsEventLicenseApChangedError
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error reading licensing user notification settings. Please check license server connectivity.



License Server Address: ‘%1’\n License Server Port: ‘%2’\n Licensing Result Code: ‘%3’\n Exception: ‘%4’

Comment Failed to read in settings after annoyance profile data changed event.
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string License server address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int License server port






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapper Exception
%4 exception string Exception.



Id 1169
Name CdsEventLicenseInOobg
Severity Informational
Groups LicensingOOBGracePeriod
Text The controller is in the out-of-box grace period.
Comment Out of box grace period changed (in)



Id 1170
Name CdsEventLicenseOutOobg
Severity Warning
Groups LicensingOOBGracePeriod
Text The controller is no longer in the out-of-box grace period.
Comment Out of box grace period changed (out)



Id 1171
Name CdsEventLicenseServerNotSpecified
Severity Error
Groups LicensingStartup
Text No license server has been specified. The Citrix Broker Service cannot provide desktops and applications to users until a valid license server is specified.


You can specify a license server in Desktop Studio or with the Citrix Broker SDK cmdlet Set-BrokerSite.

Comment License Server not specified



Id 1172
Name CdsEventLicenseServerProbeError
Severity Error
Groups LicensingError
Text Error checking license server suitability. The Citrix broker service received an unexpected response when checking if a machine is suitable for use as a license server.


Check that the machine can be contacted from the controller and that any firewall on the machine allows connections from the controller.


If a license server is installed on the machine check that it is configured and operating correctly.



Computer address: ‘%1’\n Port: ‘%2’\n

Response: ‘%3’\n Exception: ‘%4’

Comment TestBrokerLicenseServer returned an unexpected error
Arguments Position Name Type Comment
%1 licenseServerA ddress     string Machine address
%2 licenseServerP ort           int Port number






Stringified license error enum value from LicenseWrapperVd Exception
%4 exception string Exception.



Id 1200
Name CdsEventDatabaseConnectivityRestored
Severity Informational
Groups DatabaseConnectivity

The connection between the Citrix Broker Service and the database has

been restored.

Comment Database connectivity restored.



Id 1201
Name CdsEventDatabaseConnectivityLost
Severity Warning
Groups DatabaseConnectivity
Text The connection between the Citrix Broker Service and the database has been lost.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.


Ensure that the database is correctly configured and accessible.

Comment Unable to contact the license server.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1             message     string     Exception message
%2             type            string     Exception type



Id 1202
Name CdsEventNoDatabaseConnectivity
Severity Warning
Groups DatabaseConnectivity
Text The Citrix Broker Service has no connection to the database. Ensure that the database is correctly configured and accessible.
Comment No database connectivity.



Id 2000
Name CdsEventXmsCannotStartException
Severity Error
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to start XML services.


If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller. See Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126990.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment When the XML Services multiplexer fails to start
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1             message     string     exception message
%2             type            Type      exception type



Id 2001
Name CdsEventXmsStartupException
Severity Warning
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to initialize XML services. The services will attempt to initialize again in approximately %1 minute(s).


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment When the XML Multiplexer encounters an exception on start up
Arguments Position    Name               Type     Comment
%1 retryMinutes int time until the next initiation retry
%2 message string exception message
%3 type Type exception type



Id 2002
Name CdsEventXmsThrottleStartupException
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to initialize XML services again.


A previously detected problem still exists. To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 2001) until the problem is resolved. Initialization attempts will continue.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment About to suppress message 2001 for the first time



Id 2003
Name CdsEventXmsStartupSuccess
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully started XML services.
Comment When the XML Services multiplexer starts OK.



Id 2004
Name CdsEventXmsServiceStartFail
Severity Warning
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service encountered a problem while attempting to configure and start one or more of the XML HTTP services.


If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller.


Error details:\n Service: %1

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment When the XML Multiplexer encounters an exception starting HTTP services
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 service string The service that failed
%2 message string exception message
%3 type Type exception type



Id 2007
Name CdsEventXmsServicesStopping
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service is stopping XML HTTP services.
Comment When the XML Services multiplexer commences stopping all the XML services.



Id 2008
Name CdsEventXmsServicesStopped
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully stopped XML HTTP services.
Comment When the XML Services multiplexer has successfully finished stopping all the XML services.



Id 2009
Name CdsEventXmsUnrecognisedService
Severity Warning
Groups HandleTransaction
Text The Citrix Broker Service received an unrecognized request for a transaction on an XML service.


An incompatible client might be trying to access the XML service. Verify the compatibility of clients accessing the service.


Error details:\n Service URL: %1

Comment When the XML Multiplexer receives a request it does not recognise
Arguments Position    Name    Type      Comment
%1 url string The URL of the failing service request



Id 2010
Name CdsEventXmsServiceListenerStartFail
Severity Warning
Groups ListenerStart
Text The Citrix Broker Service encountered a problem while an XML service attempted to listen for http(s) requests. The Windows HTTP configuration might be incomplete or incorrect.


If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment When the XML Multiplexer encounters an exception initializing or starting the HttpListener.
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string exception message
%2 type Type exception type



Id 2011
Name CdsEventXmsBadContentType
Severity Warning
Groups HandleTransaction
Text The Citrix Broker Service received an XML request with an unexpected content type on an XML service.


An incompatible client might be trying to access the XML service. Verify the compatibility of clients accessing the service.


Error details:\n Content Type: ‘%1’

Comment When the XML Multiplexer receives a bad XML content type
Arguments Position    Name               Type     Comment
%1 contentType string The content type received in the message



Id 2012
Name CdsEventXmsReplyFailed
Severity Warning
Groups HttpProcessingException
Text The Citrix Broker Service was unable to send a response to the XML client.



Request URL: ‘%1’\n Error Code: ‘%2’\n Error Message: ‘%3’\n Exception Type: ‘%4’\n

Exception Call Stack: ‘%5’

Comment When XML service fails to send a response to the client
Arguments Position    Name                       Type     Comment
%1 url string URL which the client connected to
%2 winError int Win32 error number






Message text corresponding to error number
%4 type Type The type of exception
%5 stackTrace string The call stack of the exception



Id 2013
Name CdsEventXmsUnexpectedException
Severity Error
Groups HttpProcessingException
Text An unexpected exception occurred while the Citrix Broker Service processed an HTTP request.


Error details:\n Request URL: ‘%1’\n Exception Type: ‘%2’\n

Exception Call Stack: ‘%3’

Comment When the XML Multiplexer encounters an unexpected exception while processing an HTTP request.
Arguments Position    Name            Type     Comment
%1 url string URL which the client connected to
%2 type Type The type of exception
%3 stackTrace string The call stack of the exception



Id 2014
Name CdsEventXmsPortInUse
Severity Error
Groups ListenerStart
Text One of the XML ports is in use by another process. The Citrix Broker Service is unable to listen for XML requests. To change the ports used by the Citrix Broker Service, run the following command on the appropriate controller:

BrokerService.exe -WIPORT -WISSLPORT

To identify processes listening on all ports run ‘netstat -ab’. Current XML port configuration:

HTTP Port=%1 (Enabled=%2) HTTPS Port=%3 (Enabled=%4)

Comment When the XML service is unable to listen on its configured URIs.
Arguments Position    Name                       Type     Comment
%1 httpPort int Configured HTTP port
%2 httpPortEnabled bool Enabled state of HTTP port
%3 httpsPort int Configured HTTPS port
%4 httpsPortEnabled bool Enabled state of HTTPS port



Id 2100
Name CdsEventXmsCredentialValidateFail
Severity Warning
Groups CredentialValidate
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to validate a user’s credentials on an XML service.

Verify the trust relationships between your domains. Error details:\n

User: ‘%1’\n

Error: ‘%2’\n Message: ‘%3’\n Stack Trace: ‘%4’

Comment When the credentials provided to WPBNR fail validation
Arguments Position    Name            Type     Comment
%1 user string The user identity that failed
%2 error string Failure error indication
%3 message string Error message
%4 stackTrace string Stack trace



Id 2101
Name CdsEventXmsThrottleCredentialValidateFail
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to validate a user’s credentials on an XML service again.


A previously detected problem still exists. To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 2100) until the problem is resolved. Initialization attempts will continue.

Comment About to suppress message 2100 for the first time



Id 2102
Name CdsEventXmsRemoveThrottleCredentialValidateFail
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully validated user credentials. It is no longer suppressing the related messages (event ID 2100).
Comment When no event 2100 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 2103
Name CdsEventXmsTransactionException
Severity Warning
Groups UnexpectedTransactionException
Text An unexpected exception occurred while the Citrix Broker Service processed an XML transaction.


An incompatible client might be trying to access the XML service. Verify the compatibility of clients accessing the service. If this problem persists, reinstall the Citrix XenDesktop Controller.


Error details:\n Transaction: ‘%1’\n Exception Type: ‘%2’\n Exception Call Stack: ‘%3’

Comment When an unexpected exception is raised while processing an XML transaction.
Arguments Position    Name            Type     Comment


The XML transaction being transaction     string     processed when the

exception occurred

%2 type               Type     The type of exception
%3 stackTrace     string     The call stack of the




Id 2104
Name CdsEventXmsThrottleTransactionException
Severity Warning
Text An unexpected exception occurred again while the Citrix Broker Service processed an XML transaction.


A previously detected problem with the XML service still exists. To avoid excessive event logging, the service is temporarily suppressing related messages (event ID 2103).

Comment About to suppress message 2103 for the first time.



Id 2105
Name CdsEventXmsRemoveThrottleTransactionException
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service has not recently encountered exceptions on the XML services. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 2103).
Comment When no event 2103 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 3000
Name CdsEventHostingReadyToContactHypervisors
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStartup
Text The Citrix Broker Service is ready to contact hosts.
Comment Controller Ready to make connections to hypervisors.



Id 3001
Name CdsEventHostingStartupException
Severity Warning
Groups ServiceStartup
Text The Citrix Broker Service hosting management component failed to initialize. The component will attempt to initialize again in approximately %1 minute(s).


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment When the Hosting management Component encounters an exception on start up
Arguments Position    Name                                 Type     Comment






time until the next initiation retry
%2 message string exception message
%3 type Type exception type



Id 3002
Name CdsEventHostingThrottleStartupException
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service hosting management component failed to initialize again.


A previously detected problem still exists. To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 3001) until the problem is resolved. Initialization attempts will continue.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment About to suppress message 3001 for the first time



Id 3003
Name CdsEventHostingDatabaseFail
Severity Warning
Groups ServiceStartup
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to connect to the XenDesktop database.


Please check that the XenDesktop database is configured correctly.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Failed to connect to the broker database
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type



Id 3004
Name CdsEventHostingGoodDatabase
Severity Informational
Groups ServiceStartup
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully connected to the XenDesktop database.
Comment Successful connection to the broker database.



Id 3010
Name CdsEventHostingRemoveThrottlePowerAction
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully performed power actions. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 3012).
Comment When no event 3012 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 3011
Name CdsEventHostingThrottlePowerAction
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that several virtual machine power actions failed.


To avoid excess logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 3012) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 3012 has been logged repeatedly for multiple VDAs within a defined period of time



Id 3012
Name CdsEventHostingFailedPowerAction
Severity Warning
Groups PowerActionFail
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that power action ‘%1’ on virtual machine ‘%2’ failed.


This problem is most likely due to a host issue. Check that the configuration of the virtual machine on the host does not prohibit the requested power action. Verify that there are no storage problems on the host. Check that the host connection information is correct.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%3’ of type ‘%4’.

Comment Power action failed
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1 action string Power action type
%2 machineName string Managed machine name
%3 message string Exception message
%4 type Type Exception type



Id 3013
Name CdsEventHostingSuccessPowerAction
Severity Informational
Groups PowerActions
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully performed power action ‘%1’ on virtual machine ‘%2’.
Comment When a power action successfully completes.
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1 action string Power action type
%2 machineName string Managed machine name



Id 3014
Name CdsEventHostingCancelPowerAction
Severity Informational
Groups PowerActions
Text The Citrix Broker Service cancelled power action ‘%1’ on virtual machine ‘%2’, because the controller used to communicate with the host was stopped or the preferred controller setting changed.
Comment When a power action is cancelled at site service lease acquire time.
Arguments Position    Name                   Type     Comment
%1 action string Power action type
%2 machineName string Managed machine name



Id 3015
Name CdsEventHostingTimedOutRegisterPowerAction
Severity Informational
Groups PowerActionFail
Text The Citrix Broker Service marked a power action as failed because virtual machine ‘%1’ failed to register with the site after being started, restarted, or resumed.
Comment When a power action is failed due to registration timeout.
Arguments Position    Name                  Type     Comment
%1 machineName string Managed machine name



Id 3020
Name CdsEventHostingRemoveThrottlePowerPolicy
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully performed power policy actions. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 3022 and 3023).
Comment When no event 3022 or 3023 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 3021
Name CdsEventHostingThrottlePowerPolicy
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that several virtual machine power policy actions failed.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 3022 and 3023) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 3022 or 3023 has been logged repeatedly within a defined period of time



Id 3022
Name CdsEventHostingFailedPowerPolicy
Severity Warning
Groups PowerPolicy
Text The Citrix Broker Service experienced an internal error while enforcing a power policy. The service failed in its interaction with the XenDesktop database and was unable to determine the policy actions needed.


There might be a configuration problem in the XenDesktop database. Check that the database schema is correct.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Power policy failed (database?)
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type



Id 3023
Name CdsEventHostingFailedPowerPolicyBadTimezone
Severity Warning
Groups PowerPolicy
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to use the defined time zone for a desktop group for power policy evaluation.


Please validate that the time zones configured for all power policy settings are correct and that the time zone area of the registry is not corrupt.


Error details:\n

Desktop group UID: %1\n Configured time zone: ‘%2’

Comment Power policy time zone lookup failed
Arguments Position    Name                       Type     Comment
%1 desktopGroupUid int desktop group UID
%2 timeZone string time zone string



Id 3030
Name CdsEventHostingSuccessConnectToHc
Severity Informational
Groups HypervisorConnection
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully connected to the host ‘%1’.
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 connectionName string hypervisor connection name



Id 3031
Name CdsEventHostingFailedHcConnect
Severity Warning
Groups HypervisorConnection
Text A problem occurred while updating a broker host connection (‘%1’) with information from the Citrix Host Service.


Verify that the Citrix Host Service is running and configured. Verify that the specified host is reachable with the URL and credentials specified in the host connection.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment HC connection attempt failed
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 connectionName string hypervisor connection name
%2 message string Exception message
%3 type Type Exception type



Id 3032
Name CdsEventHostingFailedHcStatusPoll
Severity Warning
Groups HypervisorConnection
Text A problem occurred while updating a broker host connection (‘%1’) with information from the Citrix Host Service.


Verify that the Citrix Host Service is running and configured. Verify that the specified host is reachable with the URL and credentials specified in the host connection.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment HC status polling failed
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 connectionName string hypervisor connection name
%2 message string Exception message
%3 type Type Exception type



Id 3033
Name CdsEventHostingHcAuthenticationFailed
Severity Warning
Groups HypervisorConnection
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to connect to host ‘%1’ because of invalid credentials. Verify that the correct credentials for the host are specified in XenDesktop.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%2’ of type ‘%3’.

Comment HC connection authentication failed
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 connectionName string hypervisor connection name
%2 message string Exception message
%3 type Type Exception type



Id 3040
Name CdsEventHostingRemoveThrottleMachineStatus
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully performed a database operation. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 3042).
Comment When no event 3042 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 3041
Name CdsEventHostingThrottleMachineStatus
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that several database operations failed.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 3042) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 3042 has been logged repeatedly within a defined period of time



Id 3042
Name CdsEventHostingFailedHostedMachineUpdate
Severity Warning
Groups MachineStatus
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to handle an update from one or more managed machines. An internal problem occurred while performing an update in the XenDesktop database. This problem could be due to a database problem, an internal incompatibility with the Citrix Broker

Service, or a compatibility problem with the host.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment HC machine status update failed
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1 message string Exception message
%2 type Type Exception type



Id 3050
Name CdsEventHostingRemoveThrottleMps
Severity Informational
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully communicated with the Citrix Machine Identity Service. It is no longer suppressing related messages (event ID 3052, 3053 and 3054).
Comment When no event 3052, 3053 or 3054 has been detected within a defined period of time.



Id 3051
Name CdsEventHostingThrottleMps
Severity Warning
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected that several attempts to communicate with the Citrix Machine Identity Service failed.


To avoid excessive event logging, the service is suppressing related messages (event ID 3052, 3053 and 3054) until the problem is resolved.

Comment When event 3052, 3053 or 3054 has been logged repeatedly within a defined period of time



Id 3052
Name CdsEventHostingFailedMpsConnection
Severity Warning
Groups MachinePersonalityService
Text The Citrix Broker Service failed to communicate with the Citrix Machine Identity Service. Verify that the Citrix Machine Identity Service is running and is configured.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%1’ of type ‘%2’.

Comment Creation of MPS proxy failed
Arguments Position    Name         Type     Comment
%1             message     string     Exception message
%2             type            Type      Exception type



Id 3053
Name CdsEventHostingFailedMpsResetVm
Severity Warning
Groups MachinePersonalityService
Text The Citrix Broker Service successfully communicated with the Citrix Machine Identity Service, but the Citrix Machine Identity Service failed to reset the image for virtual machine ‘%1’ on host connection ‘%2’ to its default state. This problem could be due to a timing issue or an internal error.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%3’ of type ‘%4’.

Comment MPS ResetVM call returned an error.
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 machineId string Machine Id
%2 connectionName string Hypervisor connection name
%3 message string Exception message
%4 type Type Exception type



Id 3054
Name CdsEventHostingFailedMpsResetVmException
Severity Warning
Groups MachinePersonalityService
Text The Citrix Broker Service detected an unexpected exception when attempting to reset the disk image for virtual machine ‘%1’ on host connection ‘%2’ to its default state.


Check that the Citrix Machine Identity Service is running and is configured.


Error details:\n

Exception ‘%3’ of type ‘%4’.

Comment MPS ResetVM call threw an exception.
Arguments Position    Name                      Type     Comment
%1 machineId string Machine Id
%2 connectionName string Hypervisor connection name
%3 message string Exception message
%4 type Type Exception type